Discover artwork that explores the relationship among natural and human-made landscapes.
It’s often difficult to convey the energy, hard work, and dedication that our participating artists and Fairgrounds St. Pete team put into creating the work you get to now enjoy!
Here is a behind-the-scenes look at Eddie Lohmeyer’s Topographia Chlorophobia, a 3-channel video installation is located within CENTCOM.
As with all of the artwork at Fairgrounds St. Pete, Topographia Chlorophobia has a story.

Topographia Chlorophobia explores the relationship among natural and human-made landscapes, focusing on the material excitations that exist within natural and computational ecologies. Here, Nintendo 64 and PlayStation games have been corrupted and meticulously arranged in mask layers. The layers are played in continual loops of glitch patterns. A virtual camera hovers and zooms in upon each channel to reveal uncanny arrangements of pixels, tiles, and color palettes. The video channels are accompanied by a soundscape of birds, flowing water and electrical noise played in surround sound. These strange energies that exist below the surface of game worlds are designed to resemble aerial views and satellite imagery of the Everglades through fragmented rivers, deltas, and swamplands, playfully exploring tensions among Florida as an ecological paradise and commercial hub for simulation and tourism industries.
Eddie Lohmeyer is an Assistant Professor of Digital Media at the University of Central Florida. He received his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University in Communications, Rhetoric and Digital Media. His research explores aesthetic and technical developments within histories of digital media, with an emphasis on video games and their relationship to the avant-garde. Additionally, his art explores processes of play and de-familiarization that unveil normal attitudes and perceptions of technologies. Using deconstructive approaches such as glitch, physical modifications to hardware, assemblage, etcetera, his installations, sculptures and videos have been exhibited both nationally and internationally, most recently at 1308 Gallery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ground Level Platform (Chicago, IL), Visual Art Exchange (Raleigh, NC) and the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
To see more of Eddie’s work at Fairgrounds St. Pete, – get your ticket today, and join our Insiders Club for the latest Fairgrounds St. Pete news.