Sabrina Verhage
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fairgrounds St. Pete Project
Searchlight Sanctuary, creative coding, stage and street light, stage and graphic elements
Created in collaboration with Fairgrounds St. Pete, Searchlight Sanctuary is a narrative, graphic diorama that invites guests to discover hidden elements and clues from within Fairgrounds St. Pete’s universe while challenging their perception. Visitors will be confronted with a monochromatic, lush landscape full of textures and objects; under these conditions it can be hard to discern subtle clues. As they respond to prompts, visitors will discover that things take on a new meaning under a different light, leaving them with a sense of wonder and discovery for what might be hiding in plain sight.

Sabrina Verhage is an interactive media designer and creative technologist, highly fascinated by the influence of modern technology on human behavior. Striving to stimulate diversity and make knowledge more accessible, Sabrina co-founded Creative Coding Amsterdam, a monthly meetup for enthusiasts. Besides organizing events, she enjoys teaching creative coding workshops as well as performing at live coding events.