We recently had the opportunity to interview Fairgrounds St. Pete FLORIDARAMA Artist Hiromi Moneyhun. Her diorama Florida in Stereo, is a display of Florida-centric elements, delicately crafted from paper.
Hiromi Moneyhun was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. She is a self-taught papercut artist and has been living in Jacksonville Beach since 2004. Her work has been shown in Miami, New York, London, Asheville, Atlanta, Savannah and at Bentonville, Arkansas’s Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, which has acquired three of her artworks.
Read on to learn more about what the experience of being part of our inaugural exhibit is like for her!
What do you want the public to take away from experiencing the FLORIDARAMA diorama you have created for Fairgrounds St. Pete?
HIROMI MONEYHUN: Unlike my usual papercut work, which is black or white, I included Florida-inspired colors in my FLORIDARAMA. So first, I want viewers to feel the Florida ocean and then notice the more intricate details, such as the objects that make up the scene. I also hope the investment one could feel in my piece would also extend to others.

What about being a part of Fairgrounds St. Pete’s inaugural exhibition is most exciting to you?
HM: As previously mentioned, I got to work in a style I am not very used to for this event, and as a result, I was excited to have the opportunity of a different creative process than usual. Additionally, it was a contribution to the first ever instance of this exhibition, so both of these factors contributed greatly to my vigor for it.
What or what inspired your Fairgrounds St. Pete FLORIDARAMA?
HM: Ocean and beach life. I have lived two blocks from the ocean for seventeen years, so when I got this opportunity, I immediately thought of using the shore scene!

What is the most significant influence in your art practice?
HM: Although this may be broad, Earth’s biology as a whole. The behavior of humans and nature always play a significant role in my work, whether it is just recapturing them visually or providing my own commentary on matters concerning them.
Besides Fairgrounds St. Pete, do you have an upcoming project you’d like to share?
HM: I’ve been planning to have an event to reveal my commission work this fall in Jacksonville, FL. This work will be my largest work by far. And there are more exhibitions coming in 2022 and 2023!
What advice would you give to your younger self?
HM: Keep doing what you feel compelled to, and stay driven!
What is your favorite FL destination or landmark?
HM: Its beaches and art venues, like Fairgrounds St. Pete.
To be one of the first to see Hiromi’s work and get access to Fairgrounds St. Pete buy your tickets today, and join our Insiders Club for the latest Fairgrounds St. Pete news.